Teachers, Schools and Decent Work: The Imperative to End School-Related Gender-Based Violence

CEO of Powerful Management, Leadership & Technology Center Ms. Megi Kurdadze and Executive Director of Association Mtsodneli Mrs. Liana Bedinadze will attend the event Teachers, Schools and Decent Work: The Imperative to End School-Related Gender-Based Violence In New York in March 14, 2017.
The 61st United Nations Commission on the Status of Women provides a unique opportunity for those working to advance girls’ and women’s rights to education and beyond, to reflect on the challenges and opportunities provided by a commitment to gender equality in education, including the vision of empowerment and freedom from gender-based discrimination and violence. In particular, given the thematic focus on women’s economic empowerment and the right to decent working conditions, CSW 2017 offers space to consider the dynamic and complex nature of gender relations in schools, among and between teachers, students and community; and to consider schools as sites of ‘decent work’, as well as safe spaces for learning.
This high level CSW side event is proudly hosted by the United Nations Girls' Education Initiative, the Government of Norway and Education International. Panelists will bring a range of perspectives, from the UN, member states, CSOs and education unions to explore key questions related to the challenges and opportunities associated with achieving gender equality in education, with a focus on safety, security and the rights for women and girls.
During this event panelists will address questions such as: • What do we know about school or community-based interventions that engage men and women, boys and girls to reflect on gender and sexual norms and violence? • What policy options are available, and how do we move from policy commitments to implementation? What evidence exists on the effectiveness of interventions that focus on the development of laws and policies and their implementation at the national or subnational levels? • How can links be created between efforts to end violence against women and a focus on educational settings as critical sites in which gender-based violence is both experienced and perpetrated?
This event is Organized by UNGEI. The United Nations Girls' Education Initiative is a multi-stakeholder partnership committed to improving the quality and availability of girls’ education and contributing to the empowerment of girls and women through transformative education. UNGEI is an advocacy-oriented partnership comprising of 24 global and regional partners, 4 regional partnerships and nearly 50 associated country partnerships, as well as a far-reaching global network.UNGEI strives to promote girls’ education and gender equality through policy advocacy and support to governments and other development actors to deliver on the gender and education-related Sustainable Development Goals. UNGEI promotes the building of evidence and sharing of good practice in girls’ education and gender equality, and seeks to strengthen collaboration and partnership.
This visit is very important for future joint projects and activities between two organizations.